We are looking for committed, energetic members who want to help ASB continue to grow and evolve in positive ways.
If you think you are one of those people, please consider volunteering your time and efforts to an ASB Committee.
Learn more about each committee and the expectations of committee members below.
If you want to join a committee or would like to know more about our committees, please
Get Involved.
If you think you are one of those people, please consider volunteering your time and efforts to an ASB Committee.
Learn more about each committee and the expectations of committee members below.
If you want to join a committee or would like to know more about our committees, please
Get Involved.
General Expectations of committee Members
- Fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the committee.
- Respond to communications from the EC and other committees in a timely fashion.
- Meet (virtually) regularly away from the annual meeting as needed to accomplish the goals of the committee.
- Attend the Members Meeting during the ASB Annual Meeting. Members may also join the regularly-occurring EC meetings if needed, or schedule meetings with Executive Officers.
- Chairs must write a report summarizing the activities of the committee for the year and send it to the Executive Committee.
- Chairs should send letters to members acknowledging their service for their promotional portfolios.
- Maintain continuity to the next year by recruiting and training new members in the ways of the committee.
- For most committees, members serve 3-year terms and become the chair of the committee in their 3rd year. Members should prepare to serve as the chair in the third year on the committee, or help find a suitable replacement.
Benefits of serving on a committee
- Serving on a committee lets you give back to a great organization and helps ASB maintain the STEM student pipeline to create the next generation of biologists.
- Serving on a committee provides an opportunity to work closely with wonderful people from diverse backgrounds and institutions.
- Serving on a committee might increase eligibility for travel funds to attend the annual meeting from your institution.
- Serving on a committee shows community involvement and leadership. You will receive a letter of service from the chair of the committee or EC for your portfolio.
- Serving on a committee gives you a voice so you can help guide the direction of the society into the future.
ASB Culture and Outreach Committees
The Culture and Outreach Committees are critical to helping ASB complete its mission of promoting the biological sciences throughout the southeast. Each committee has specific annual duties (such as choosing an award winner), but also contributes to the annual meeting or outreach in the community in at least one other way annually. Committees contribute by developing a workshop or symposium, recruiting speakers, initiating petition drives, writing grants and publications, etc. Cross-committee collaboration is encouraged. If initiatives require financial support, the committee may provide a justified budget to the EC in time for consideration.
Committee Structure:
Each ASB Culture and Outreach Committee consists of at least 3 members who serve staggered 3-year terms. One member serves as the chair in their 3rd year.
Committee Structure:
Each ASB Culture and Outreach Committee consists of at least 3 members who serve staggered 3-year terms. One member serves as the chair in their 3rd year.
committee on human diversity
The Committee on Human Diversity promotes career opportunities in the biological sciences for individuals who self-identify as women, minorities, and persons with disabilities by implementing programs to eliminate barriers that restrict the access of underrepresented groups to biological careers.
Each year, the committee reviews applicants for and awards the Lafayette Frederick Underrepresented Minorities Scholarship as well as several Support Awards for First-Generation Undergraduate Student Members of ASB.
The CHD typically hosts a luncheon at the Annual Meeting, which may include invited speakers or specific topics of discussion. The committee may contribute to the annual meeting by developing workshops or symposia or by bringing in speakers. The committee may also develop outreach initiatives through workshops, grants, or publications.
Recent efforts include publications that explore ASB’s past, present, and future efforts to increase diversity at the meeting and in the biological sciences at large. Current efforts include the initial stages of a grant to continue efforts to increase DEI.
CHAIR: Chinyere Knight, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL
Each year, the committee reviews applicants for and awards the Lafayette Frederick Underrepresented Minorities Scholarship as well as several Support Awards for First-Generation Undergraduate Student Members of ASB.
The CHD typically hosts a luncheon at the Annual Meeting, which may include invited speakers or specific topics of discussion. The committee may contribute to the annual meeting by developing workshops or symposia or by bringing in speakers. The committee may also develop outreach initiatives through workshops, grants, or publications.
Recent efforts include publications that explore ASB’s past, present, and future efforts to increase diversity at the meeting and in the biological sciences at large. Current efforts include the initial stages of a grant to continue efforts to increase DEI.
CHAIR: Chinyere Knight, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL
Global Change COmmittee
The Global Change Committee (formerly the Conservation Committee) is tasked with keeping members abreast of the most pressing conservation initiatives. It may propose resolutions to the EC to be signed by the President or promote petitions to support resolutions, legislation, etc. among the membership. The committee should seek out effective works in conservation by ASB members and highlight these efforts through our publications, communications, and at the meeting. The committee should also develop a workshop, symposium (or mini-symposium) or field trip that promotes conservation efforts for the Annual Meeting.
Recent efforts include signing the The Kew Declaration on Reforestation for Biodiversity, Carbon Capture and Livelihoods
CO-CHAIRS: Nisse Goldberg (Jacksonville University), Jennifer Hancock (Mary Baldwin University), Chris Paradise (Davidson College)
Recent efforts include signing the The Kew Declaration on Reforestation for Biodiversity, Carbon Capture and Livelihoods
CO-CHAIRS: Nisse Goldberg (Jacksonville University), Jennifer Hancock (Mary Baldwin University), Chris Paradise (Davidson College)
education committee
The Education Committee explores ways and means the Association can contribute to improving biological education at all levels.
Each year, the Education Committee works with the National Association of Biology Teachers to identify an outstanding secondary education teacher in the state in which the annual meeting occurs to receive the Lucrecia Herr Outstanding Biology Teacher Award. The winner of the Herr Award is invited to the Annual Meeting and the committee helps plan their travel and hosts the winner at the meeting.
The education committee typically hosts a luncheon at the Annual Meeting. This luncheon may include invited speakers or specific topics of discussion.
The committee should also implement either a symposia and/or workshop at the annual meeting to educate the membership about new pedagogy, technology and/or critical issues in biological education. The committee should also explore ways to enhance connections with K-12 biology educators to support their development and/or commitment to biology education and their students.
Recent and current efforts include increasing awareness of and participation in the annual meeting among High School educators and students.
CHAIR: Jennell Talley, Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA
Each year, the Education Committee works with the National Association of Biology Teachers to identify an outstanding secondary education teacher in the state in which the annual meeting occurs to receive the Lucrecia Herr Outstanding Biology Teacher Award. The winner of the Herr Award is invited to the Annual Meeting and the committee helps plan their travel and hosts the winner at the meeting.
The education committee typically hosts a luncheon at the Annual Meeting. This luncheon may include invited speakers or specific topics of discussion.
The committee should also implement either a symposia and/or workshop at the annual meeting to educate the membership about new pedagogy, technology and/or critical issues in biological education. The committee should also explore ways to enhance connections with K-12 biology educators to support their development and/or commitment to biology education and their students.
Recent and current efforts include increasing awareness of and participation in the annual meeting among High School educators and students.
CHAIR: Jennell Talley, Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA
publications committee
The Publications Committee provides oversight of the Association’s Publications including the ASB Bulletin: Southeastern Biology (SEB), website, and social media platforms. Members of the Publications Committee represent ASB on the editorial boards of our official peer-reviewed journals Southeastern Naturalist and eBio. The committee works with the Archives Office to maintain a permanent record of publications and important communications. The committee considers requests for special publication activities and facilitates their publication.
CHAIR: Matthew Heard, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
CHAIR: Matthew Heard, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Position/Subcommittee |
Responsibilities |
Chair of the Publications Committee |
Ensures the responsibilities of the committee are completed, helps fill empty positions on the publications committee, and steps in where needed. |
Web editors |
Maintain the ASB website ( by updating information, creating content (posts and internal webpages), and managing issues therein. |
Social Media Managers |
This subcommittee is charged with maintaining a public presence for ASB on commonly-used social media platforms that reflects ASB’s mission and tone. Content for social media should come from the actions of the officers, committees, and members, or from the scientific and education community at large. Content sharing should be consistent and regular as to keep followers engaged and to be highlighted by platform algorithms. |
SEB Subcommittee |
This subcommittee is charged with assembling and publishing the ASB bulletin Southeastern Biology (SEB), which at a minimum must report the abstracts from the latest meeting in a timely fashion. |
Liaisons to Eagle Hill |
Members of this subcommittee communicate the interests of ASB members in relation to our official journals published by Eagle Hill (eBIO and SENA). |
Awards Committees
ASB offers many AWARDS to recognize excellence in research, to honor service to ASB and the biological sciences, and to help members attend the Annual Meeting. The Awards Committees perform the distinguished duty of evaluating nominations/applications for awards, deciding the worthy recipients, and in some cases presenting the award at the Awards Banquet at the end of our Annual Meeting.
Members of the Awards Committees are expected to review the nominations/applications prior to the meeting (when applicable), meet (virtually) before or during the meeting to discuss the candidates, and provide the winners' names, institutions, and other required information to the EC in time for awards to be completed and presented. Members are also asked to promote the awards among the members of ASB and encourage applications. Committee members may also serve as judges of Research Awards at the Annual Meeting.
Committee Structure:
Each ASB Awards Committee consists of at least 3 members who serve staggered 3-year terms. One member serves as the chair in their 3rd year. The exception is the Affiliate Awards Committee which consists of a representative from each Affiliate.
ASB AWARDS COORDINATOR: Heather Joesting, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus, Savannah, GA
Members of the Awards Committees are expected to review the nominations/applications prior to the meeting (when applicable), meet (virtually) before or during the meeting to discuss the candidates, and provide the winners' names, institutions, and other required information to the EC in time for awards to be completed and presented. Members are also asked to promote the awards among the members of ASB and encourage applications. Committee members may also serve as judges of Research Awards at the Annual Meeting.
Committee Structure:
Each ASB Awards Committee consists of at least 3 members who serve staggered 3-year terms. One member serves as the chair in their 3rd year. The exception is the Affiliate Awards Committee which consists of a representative from each Affiliate.
ASB AWARDS COORDINATOR: Heather Joesting, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus, Savannah, GA
ASB Presentation Awards Committee
The ASB Presentation Awards Committee is responsible for coordinating judging and determining the winners of the ASB Research Awards for outstanding poster and oral presentations at the annual meeting. Applicants are self-selected during abstract submission. The committee is responsible for
CHAIR: Heather Joesting, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus, Savannah, GA
- Reviewing and editing the judging rubric
- Recruiting sufficient judges from the ASB professional membership
- Scheduling judge assignments at the annual meeting. Each presentation should be judged by 3 judges not affiliated with the presenter.
- Collecting and organizing judging results
- Working with the Affiliate Awards Committee to name the top-scoring presenters and providing information about the winners to the ASB president in time for the Awards Banquet
CHAIR: Heather Joesting, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus, Savannah, GA
Affiliate Awards Coordinating Committee
The Affiliate Awards Coordinating Committee consists of the Awards Coordinator and representatives from the ASB Affiliate Organizations. Affiliate Awards are given by the Affiliates for the best student poster and oral presentations at the annual ASB meeting, using the the judging rubric designed and implemented by the ASB Poster and Presentation Awards Committee. The ASB Poster and Presentation Awards Committee and the Affiliate representatives meet during the annual meeting to discuss judging results and select winners for Affiliate Awards. Information about the winners must be presented to the ASB President in time for the Awards Banquet. Representatives from the Affiliate Organizations present their awards at the Awards Banquet.
CHAIR: Heather Joesting, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus, Savannah, GA
CHAIR: Heather Joesting, Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus, Savannah, GA
Graduate Student Support Award Committee
Graduate Student Support Awards provide funds for graduate students to attend the Annual Meetings of ASB. The Graduate Student Support Awards Committee evaluates applications for the award, determines the winner(s), and provides the winners' contact information to the EC prior to the Annual Meeting. The number of winners each year is determined by the number of qualified applicants and available funds.
Meritorious Teaching Award Committee
The Meritorious Teaching Award is one of the most prestigious awards an ASB member can achieve. It honors excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and/or graduate level in biology in the U.S. Southeast. The Meritorious Teaching Award Committee solicits nominees, guides the nominator as they build a nomination package, reviews the applications, and decides a winner. In some years, a winner may not be selected. The chair of the committee presents the award, as well as the recommendation letters from the nomination package, to the winner at the Awards Banquet at the Annual Meeting.
Research Award Committee
The duty of The Research Award Committee are to evaluate applicants for the ASB Research Award. Applicants to this award must be professional members of the ASB, present at the Annual Meeting, and include a publication or complete manuscript ready-to-be-published. The committee must then evaluate applicants based on their manuscript as well as other factors. The chair of the committee presents the award to the winner at the Awards Banquet at the Annual Meeting.
Student Research Award Committee
The duty of The Student Research Award Committee are to evaluate applicants for the ASB Student Research Award. Applicants to this award must be student members of the ASB, present at the Annual Meeting, and include a publication or complete manuscript ready-to-be-published. The committee must then evaluate applicants based on their manuscript as well as other factors. The chair of the committee presents the award to the winner at the Awards Banquet at the Annual Meeting.
ASB Research Grant COmmittee
ASB awards three Research Grants so members may carry out outstanding research in the biological sciences. There are three categories of grants: undergraduate, graduate, and professional. The ASB Grant Committee is responsible for maintaining high-standard rubrics by which applications are judged, evaluating applications, and selecting the winners.
Chair: Jennifer Mandel, University of Memphis
Chair: Jennifer Mandel, University of Memphis
Governance and Meeting Planning
Members of these committees make the Annual Meeting possible through diligent planning, decision-making, and oversight. They manage and oversee all aspects of the association to ensure it carries out its mission.
The Archives office serves as the custodian of the permanent records (or archives) housed at the University of Georgia and, with the approval of the Executive Committee, makes appropriate arrangements for the collection, care, and maintenance of such records.
The Archives Office consists of an Archivist, Associate Archivist, and assistant Archivist each serving a 2-year term. At the close of the Archivist’s term, the Associate Archivist assumes that position, and the Assistant becomes the Associate Archivist. The President and Executive Committee can reappoint the former Archivist to the position of Assistant Archivist or appoint someone from the membership to fill that position.
Chair: TBD
The Archives Office consists of an Archivist, Associate Archivist, and assistant Archivist each serving a 2-year term. At the close of the Archivist’s term, the Associate Archivist assumes that position, and the Assistant becomes the Associate Archivist. The President and Executive Committee can reappoint the former Archivist to the position of Assistant Archivist or appoint someone from the membership to fill that position.
Chair: TBD
ASB hosts a Silent Auction during the Annual Meeting which serves to raise funds to help students attend the meeting. The Silent Auction also enhances the meeting experience for our attendees. The Silent Auction Committee solicits donations to the silent auction from members, arranges the auction at the meeting, and conducts transactions with the winning bidders.
The committee shall consist of three members serving staggered three-year terms.
CHAIR: Rebecca Cook, University of Memphis
The committee shall consist of three members serving staggered three-year terms.
CHAIR: Rebecca Cook, University of Memphis
finance committee
The finance committee oversees the budget of the association, maintains records of revenue and expenses, and reports to the membership annually. It also plans and directs the recruitment of funds and manages restricted funds, investments, and bequests and gifts in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.
Specific duties may involve: considering membership fees, funds for scholarships and grants, recruiting donations and endowments, and prudent investment of funds. The Finance Committee reports any financial inconsistencies, misappropriation or misuse of funds to the EC.
The Finance Committee works closely with the President and the Meeting Planner on all matters concerning finances and should stay informed about financial decisions.
The committee shall consist of the ASB Associate Treasurer (Chair), Treasurer, Past President, President-Elect (and/or VP), and a member of the Executive Committee.
CHAIR: Associate Treasurer Charles Horn, Newberry College, Newberry, SC
Specific duties may involve: considering membership fees, funds for scholarships and grants, recruiting donations and endowments, and prudent investment of funds. The Finance Committee reports any financial inconsistencies, misappropriation or misuse of funds to the EC.
The Finance Committee works closely with the President and the Meeting Planner on all matters concerning finances and should stay informed about financial decisions.
The committee shall consist of the ASB Associate Treasurer (Chair), Treasurer, Past President, President-Elect (and/or VP), and a member of the Executive Committee.
CHAIR: Associate Treasurer Charles Horn, Newberry College, Newberry, SC
Program committee
The Program Committee helps determine almost every aspect of the annual meeting of the ASB. It maintains the call for abstracts, collates the abstracts, and develops the Program for the current year’s meeting. This committee works closely with organizers of symposia, workshops, and field trips to develop programs for our members. This committee also helps ensure that presentations up for awards are properly judged.
The committee shall consist of at least three (3) members appointed for terms of three (3) years, with one a member appointed annually. The Chair is a non-voting appointed member of the Executive Committee and serves 2-4 years. A past chair can rotate back on to the committee.
CHAIR: David Giles, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
The committee shall consist of at least three (3) members appointed for terms of three (3) years, with one a member appointed annually. The Chair is a non-voting appointed member of the Executive Committee and serves 2-4 years. A past chair can rotate back on to the committee.
CHAIR: David Giles, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
The Exhibitor's Committee helps to recruit and schedule exhibitors at our annual meeting. Exhibitors serve to enhance our meeting experience by showcasing vendors, graduate schools, and associations throughout the exhibit hall. The Exhibitor's Committee works with the Meeting Planner to develop pricing and advertising strategies to attract exhibitors and potential employers to the exhibit hall.
In practice, members of this committee contact all potential exhibitors using multiple platforms, provide a description of the impact of our meeting, share the desire of our attendees to interact with them, and list the benefits that arise from exhibiting. It might be best to lean on individuals who have relationships with ASB or members of the committee, such as past attendees or graduates, who work at these companies and institutions. The committee should begin this work well in advance of the meeting (such as in the fall).
A Member-at-Large will serve as chair, with two other members from the association.
Chair: Member-At-Large Verónica Segarra, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD
In practice, members of this committee contact all potential exhibitors using multiple platforms, provide a description of the impact of our meeting, share the desire of our attendees to interact with them, and list the benefits that arise from exhibiting. It might be best to lean on individuals who have relationships with ASB or members of the committee, such as past attendees or graduates, who work at these companies and institutions. The committee should begin this work well in advance of the meeting (such as in the fall).
A Member-at-Large will serve as chair, with two other members from the association.
Chair: Member-At-Large Verónica Segarra, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD
nominating committee
The Nominating Committee requests suggestions from the membership and with those suggestions prepares a multiple slate of nominees for each office to be filled. The Nominating Committee prepares ballots for the upcoming election to be deployed using a trustworthy secure online voting software program.
The committee shall consist of three members, one of whom is a recent past president who shall serve as the Chair.
CHAIR: Past President Chris Havran, Campbell University
The committee shall consist of three members, one of whom is a recent past president who shall serve as the Chair.
CHAIR: Past President Chris Havran, Campbell University
The Past President’s Council meets with the President, Vice President, President-Elect, and other members of the EC once a year at the Annual Meeting to celebrate their service at the Past-President’s Breakfast.
The Past-Presidents’ Council consists of all individuals who previously served as President of the Association.
The Past-Presidents’ Council consists of all individuals who previously served as President of the Association.
Executive Committee
Members of the Executive Committee serve as the Officers of the Association and make certain the Association carries out its mission.
Information about current members can be found at OFFICERS.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know for a position on the Executive Committee, please visit our Nominations Page.
Information about current members can be found at OFFICERS.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know for a position on the Executive Committee, please visit our Nominations Page.
Expectations of all Executive COmmittee members
- Attend all meetings of the executive committee, including regularly-scheduled EC meetings and the fall on-site meeting when possible; participate actively in Association decision-making.
- Attendance at the Annual Meeting of the Association is mandatory unless under extreme circumstances. Attendance at the post-meeting Executive Committee meeting is also expected.
- Maintain up-to-date contact information with other members of the executive committee and respond quickly to requests for information, opinions, and votes
- Contribute ideas, innovations, and strategies in the best interest of the association
- suggest and review venues, speakers, and featured institutions for the annual meeting
- Promote the annual meeting
- Fulfill their duties for the full length of their term unless under extreme circumstances
- Follow the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association
- Adhere to the Code of Conduct and promote adherence in other members of the association
- To ensure the smooth running of the Annual Meeting, EC members might be tasked to manage the ASB booth, facilitate registration and welcome attendees, propose, lead, or attend workshops and symposia, answer member questions, serve as a judge and/or moderator, run the gate at the social, interact with members at and help host the social, engage with and promote exhibitors, and other duties as needed
- Work to prepare incoming members of the EC
Other typical duties include:
Other duties may include:
Typical roles include:
Join or find out more about a committee at Get Involved